2022 Muster and AGM
Early bird registrations are now open – attendance from only $80! The Annual QRA Muster will be held at Broadwater Camp Ground, Warrgamay Country, 50km from Ingham through the scenic Herbert River Valley. Our theme this year is Connections. Connections – Country, Networks, Values and Partnerships.
2022 CORA Ranger Forum
CORA is hosting the inaugural Oceania Ranger Forum in Rotorua, New Zealand from the 18-20th October 2022. This forum will bring together ranger professional and conservation workers to discuss topics of common interest and concern in an international networking and professional development event.
Solomon Islands Travelling Ranger Training Opportunity 2018
Interested in taking a trip with a cause? Interested in visiting the beautiful Solomon Islands?
The QRA is looking for two members to help deliver ranger training throughout the Solomon Islands later in 2018.
2018 QRA Muster – Rainforest meets the Reef
We would love you to join us at magnificent Ellis Beach, 28km north of Cairns, for the QRA’s Annual Muster. The agenda will focus on celebrating thirty years of Wet Tropics World Heritage Areas, and there will be much sharing of stories, techniques and expertise on how we can all better manage our protected areas.
2017 QRA Muster
As everyone who has attended a QRA muster will tell you, they are off-the-chart good and provide many great opportunities to mingle with rangers from across the state, talk to departmental executives, enjoy presentations from a wide range of speakers and catch up with our wonderful QRA sponsors.