2022 Muster and AGM

Broadwater Camp Ground

Early bird registrations are now open – attendance from only $80 until June 10th! The Annual QRA Muster will be held at Broadwater Camp Ground, Warrgamay Country, 50km from Ingham through the scenic Herbert River Valley. Our theme this year is Connections. Connections – Country, Networks, Values and Partnerships. 

This year we are returning to our camping roots in this beautiful part of north Queensland. Please see flyer for further information. We will be focusing on connection to country and Ingham, back where the first QRA constitution was signed back in 1996 and learn about the surrounding Girringun National Park and Abergowrie State Forest managed by local Ingham Coastal Tropics team. We have something exciting to mark Ingham as the founding location of the QRA as we know it today. The Muster is an immersive opportunity for members to learn from each others’ experiences and feel connected and supported (and enjoy a mental reset away from the bustle of busy work priorities). 

There will be incredible nature, flora and fauna within this Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. Departmental Executives will be in attendance to give members a change to speak with them directly via Q&A sessions. There will be a number of First Nations land management organisations who attend and teach us about their current projects and work programs. Our amazing Sponsors also attend and showcase the latest and greatest cutting edge products and services from business that support protected area and wildlife management/conservation. 

The AGM will be held during the Muster where members can vote in committee members and discuss QRA direction, succession, projects and financial commitments. 

Travel assistance and updates will be communicated by email via QRA Muster NEWSFLASHES.

Daniel Farmer

I'm the graphic & web designer you’ve been looking for and I have mad passion for all things branding. I've gained invaluable experience working in London & Brisbane for various major advertising agencies.

More than 15 years later, I still take pride in taking risks, creating alternative approaches for projects, and allowing you the client, to consider ideas that may give you an edge over the competition.


2023 Muster and AGM


2022 CORA Ranger Forum