QRA Sponsorship to attend National and International Conferences

Sponsorship is only available to full QRA Members, our Retired Associate Members and our First Nations Land Management Associate Organisations.

CORA Oceania Ranger Forum 18-20th October

Rotorua, New Zealand – more information can be found here: Oceania Ranger Forum 2022 Tickets, Tue 18/10/2022 at 8:30 am | Eventbrite

QRA will sponsor a full or partial funding amount/re-imbursement for airfare’s to Rotorua and event Conference fee’s.

QRA members are responsible for their own meals, travel and accommodation while in New Zealand.

As per QRA MOU with the Department, QPWS&P staff will be able to access some Special Paid Leave for attendance at QRA supported activities for time spent over the Conference days.

Applicant Requirements:

  1. Valid passport

  2. International Travel Insurance

  3. QRA Member is required to report back on the outcome of their experience (ie written article and/or presentation at next Muster)

In a few short paragraphs, please outline your interest and ability to meet the above requirements, explaining why you believe this to be a valuable experience for you and how it will benefit yourself, other rangers/wildlife officers/conservation officers and the QRA membership base.

Applications close 1st August and will be judged by a Panel of 3.

Selected recipients will be announced at the Muster!